FLYER DROP OFF: March 2nd @ 10:00 AM
FOOD PICKUP: March 8th @ 12:00 PM
LOCATION: Mel Hamel Park, 10080 Crocker Ranch Rd, Roseville, CA 95747 [map]
Pack 1592 Families,
Scouting for Food is the Boy Scouts of America’s nationwide service project to help stop hunger in our communities. It began as a Scout’s service project in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1985, and was adopted by the Boy Scout National Organization in 1988.
Come help Pack 1592 and make a difference in our community. It is an excellent way to meet Community Service requirements for your ranks! You can help both weekends or just one.
Please enter the number of family members participating in the “Quantity” field when signing up.
You can also request flyers to hand out in your own neighborhood on the weekend of March 1st and 2nd. If you are requesting flyers, we will calculate 50 flyers per person, so enter the quantity accordingly. e.g. Quantity = 2 will be 50 x 2 = 100 Flyers.
We need to know this week so we can request the right number of flyers.