Cub Scouts now renews memberships on an annual basis, depending on when you joined. There are no pro-rated partial years to pay, when you join you will renew one year later. The fees collected during renewal pay BSA National and Golden Empire Council Fees. Pack fees will be collected in person at pack/den meetings at the end of the calendar year.
For those that were already registered with the pack before this change, your annual renewal date is automatically set to December 31st.
Renewing is easy! Log in to the My Scouting website at and follow the instructions.
Follow the process of paying and making any necessary digital signatures. You will be given the opportunity to Print/Download a receipt after paying.
You will see that your scout is listed as “Submitted” and you don’t need to do anything else on this screen.
You have paid for BSA National and Golden Empire Council renewal fees. If Pack Fees need to be collected, the Pack Treasurer will let you know. We collect these fees at the end of the calendar year in Nov/Dec. When we had you pay by check in the old days, you would have paid all at once, but BSA doesn’t collect Pack Fees for us, and this is why we must collect separately.
If you have any issues getting your renewal processed, please let us know. You can speak to any leader at a pack meeting including the Committee Chair, Treasurer or the Cubmaster and we will help guide you through the renewal process!