New Scout Info

Time Commitment & Meetings

Scouts in Pack 1592 typically participate in two meetings per month, a den meeting and a pack meeting.

A den meeting is a monthly activity where scouts in the same grade work on achievements and participate. Den meetings customarily happen during the first or second week of each month and typically have a duration of 1 hour. Your Den Leader will let you know where you are meeting. These small meetings might be at a park, in your Den Leader’s back yard, or at one of our local schools.

A pack meeting is a monthly activity where all scouts come together to celebrate and recognize accomplishments. Pack meetings customarily happen on the third Tuesday of each month and typically have a duration of 1 hour. Pack meetings start at 6:30 PM. We occasionally meet indoors at one of our local schools. The meeting place for 2024-25 is going to be Blue Oaks Elementary School in Roseville. Other meetings are outdoors at local parks for special events and to enjoy the fresh air. Those events will be communicated with as much notice as possible.

Program Registration Costs

Fees are now collected at the time you renew your membership, so in the future, you will pay directly and renew annually. There is no longer any prorating of fees, because your renewal date will be 12 months after you first sign up.

We do ask that families pay the $40 Pack Fee in the fall when the school and scouting year begins, although that fee has been waived for new first year scouts by vote of the committee. We will collect that fee in future years at the beginning of the year at our welcome back meeting.

When compared to the amount of activities and hours of other youth programs like sports, it’s a great deal. Fundraising opportunities will be available during the year to further help offset costs.

Program Costs

Annual program fee
$ 165 Total First Year Cost
  • $85 BSA National Youth Membership Fee
  • $80 Golden Empire Council Youth Membership Fee
  • $40 Pack Fee (Waived for first year scouts)
First Year


Not included in registration fees, first year scouts are asked to purchase a scout uniform. This is a one time cost. The estimated cost of a uniform is approximately $80. To help defray uniform costs, especially as your little cub scout grows, our pack maintains a clothes closet that allows people to donate and receive used uniform components so check there first and please remember this resource if you have any uniform pieces you are no longer using! We also try to make neckerchiefs available when scouts rank up if the year’s funds allow for it.

Pack 1592 is a “belt up” pack, meaning official pants, socks and footwear are not required. The only uniform components you will need are a shirt (with patches), a belt, and your neckerchief and slide. The hat is optional as the young ones tend to not keep them on, but if your scout wants to wear it, that’s great!

You can check with the River City Scout Shop in Sacramento and they will help put together your uniform for you.